Six Years of Smut

My first two audio stories were posted on Literotica on September 7, 2017. When I started posting, I had absolutely no idea what would come of this little audio adventure I had undertaken. I had listened to audios on the site for years and had toyed with the idea of posting my own audio for several months. 

Through the years, I have been told by several ex-boyfriends and fuck buddies that my voice was so sexy, they would listen to me reading the phone book (which dates me a little, but oh well). Through the years I'd made several audios for boyfriends for their masturbatory pleasure (and occasional roommate horror when the recordings were discovered). 

In early 2017 I'd taken my first pet, which was a wonderful experience. I discovered I loved pegging men and that I was pretty good at it. But what I liked even better was telling my pet how he was going to submit to me and how much he was going to love doing it. Which of course, he did. Then he broke up with me, and I was not having any sex all of a sudden. My dating pool had evaporated like a monsoon puddle in Phoenix in August. This led to intense sexual frustration, which meant I had to put that energy somewhere. 

I didn't even think about doing phone sex and/or offering custom audios until friends of mine encouraged me to do it. And thus was born Get Erotic Audio. And I officially emerged as a Mistress. 

What I've learned in the past six years is remarkable. My already intense love for men and masculinity has deepened to a level even I hadn't anticipated. I learned how funny, kind, vulnerable, sexual, depraved, submissive and creative you all are. The interesting thing about my work is how therapeutic it all is. Maybe you just want me to fuck your ass and tell you what a bad boy you are for wanting such a depraved thing done to you. And maybe you cherish that humiliation as much as I enjoy giving it. 

Most of all what the last six years has convinced me of is that sex and sexuality are a vital part of one's self-expression and that a lot of men are not able to fully express themselves in this way. I hope that my audios have been a kind of oasis in the man-as-dominant desert, and that when you put your panties on and your earphones in, that you breathe a small sigh of relief knowing that the Mistress has you. Now, kneel.